Eurekapedia Project:About

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About Eurekapedia

In March 2013 moves to develop a Eurekapedia wiki were discussed between Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham, directors of Ballarat Heritage Services, with Ballarat Reform League Incorporated. In a collaborative effort, the Eurekapedia wiki has been hosted by the Ballarat Reform League Incorporated (supported by The Vera Moore Foundation), with Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham of Ballarat Heritage Services creating, developing, researching, transcribing and maintaining the content pages. There have been millions of views attesting to the worldwide interest in the Eureka event.

The Eurekapedia Wiki highlights Eureka as a significant event in Australian history. It presents a completeness of evidence and values represented, by focussing on significant narratives of Victorian goldfields agitation that preempted the battle at the Eureka Stockade on 3 December 1854, the players in the battle itself, and the momentous events that were reported worldwide that occurred later. Eureka has been the only major civil uprising on Australian soil but, although short in duration (the battle lasted around 20 minutes), this event is central to the development of Australia as a democratic country, to civics and community, and significant in Australia's national identity. The Eurekapedia Wiki uncovers many hidden aspects of the Eureka Story, as well as known facts, and the people and stories that lie parallel to the development of Australian democracy and culture.

The main themes of debate surrounding Eureka provide insight into little known aspects of the event. The wiki provides referenced evidence and investigation for events prior, during and after the Eureka battle of 3 December 1854. It provides a Eureka Timeline and Essays on some very interesting and controversial points of difference. This project unlocks the stories of "ordinary" people, places and multicultural beginnings in the 1850s that resulted in extraordinary outcomes and reforms. Goldfields agitation, the Diggers Oath, and the Ballarat Reform League Charter contributed to the very fabric of Australian identity and the "Birthplace of the Australian Spirit".

The often interlinking stories of the people associated with the Eureka Stockade are readily accessible through the technology of this interactive wiki format on the world wide web. This platform allows researchers to discover the ships, origins and abodes ancestors are associated with, often finding fellow passengers or relatives. Migration patterns and multicultural associations can often be explored and extended by the use of such an interactive source.

About Ballarat Reform League Inc.

About Ballarat Heritage Services

The authors of Eurekapedia

The concept and each page of Eurekapedia has been created by Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham, the result of extensive ongoing research over 40 years. The genesis of this wiki were the publications by Gervasoni and Wickham in the early 1990s, followed by The Eureka Research Directory (authored by Dorothy Wickham, Clare Gervasoni and Wayne Phillipson, published in 1999 by Ballarat Heritage Service, and supported by Eureka’s Children). This publication was later updated and extended in The Eureka Encyclopaedia, the overall winner of the Victorian Community History Awards in 2005, Silver Printers’ Guild Award, and nominated for the Prime Minister’s Award. The contribution of researchers and descendants is gratefully and sincerely acknowledged.


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Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham of Ballarat Heritage Services have created the concept and pages on the Eurekapedia. If copyright subsists in a third party it is acknowledged on this site, and may remain with the original owner. Permission from the third party to reuse the material may need to be sought.

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The images reproduced on the Ballarat and District Industrial Heritage Wiki come from a range of sources. Editors are reminded to respect copyright and intellectual property legislation. You must not upload or transmit to Ballarat and District Industrial Heritage Wiki any copyright material of which you are not the owner, unless you have the express written permission of the copyright owner to do so. Copyright in images of book covers and artworks included in Ballarat and District Industrial Heritage Wiki is reserved by the original copyright holders.

All images are published with permission, and credits published in close proximity to the image. Where images come from collections they are also listed under the Collections heading.

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By adding content to the Eurekapedia Wiki, you agree to manage this material under an Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).

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The Eurekapedia Wiki has been created, managed, and updated almost daily by Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham. They are interested in your contributions. The Eureka Wiki has been enhanced by public contributions that are always attributed to contributors. Your contribution can be emailed to, and be assured that as far as possible research will be verified and attributed to the researcher.

See Contribute


The assistance of the Art Gallery of Ballarat, Eureka's Children, Federation University, former Gold Museum (Ballarat), Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat, Public Record Office Victoria, The Vera Moore Foundation, State Library of Victoria, Victorian Collections, and many other individuals who have contributed in so many different and helpful ways is gratefully acknowledged.

All images are published with permission, and credits published in close proximity to the image. Where images come from collections they are also listed under the Collections heading. Contributions and/or images may be sent to, should include references, and may be published after review. Eurekapedia reviewers are not obliged to publish all material, but where they do it will be credited to the contributor.

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About Ballarat Reform League Inc.