Royal Hotel
To Mayor Councillors Town of Creswick Gentlemen
A meeting of Citizens was held at the Royal Hotel, Ballarat, on Wednesday, April 16th, for the purpose of taking steps to secure the erection of a suitable MEMORIAL to make the site of the conflict that took place on Sunday Morning, December 3rd, 1854, between the Diggers of Ballarat, and the Government Forces. The Committee confidently appeal not only to the Pioneer Diggers of Ballarat, but to the native youth of Victoria to assist them to carry out this long deferred, but much desired work. The blood spill at the Eureka Stockade served to stimulate and advance the cause of civil and political liberty throughout Australia, and to that sacrifice the free and enlightened constitution now enjoyed is, to a great measure, virtually due. To indelible perpetuate the memory of this fact in a proper manner, so that future generations may not forget what they owe to the past, is the object that the Committee have in view; they solicit your cordial sympathy and support, and trust that the thirtieth anniversary of the Stockade in December next, will witness the unveiling of a Memorial that will not only be a credit to Ballarat, but a fitting tribute to the heroic self-abnegation and valour of those who fell at its base.
I have the honor to be, Your most obedient servant,
A.T. MORRISON, Hon. Secretary.