Andreas Samulewsky

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Andreas (Andrew) Samulewsky sailed to Australia on the Alfred, leaving Hamburg, and arriving in South Australia on 06 December 1848.[1]

Goldfields Involvement, 1854

Post 1854 Experiences

Andreas was residing at Ballarat when he signed the Benden Hassell Petition in 1856. [2]

[Letter] From Andrew Samulewsky, stating he had been residing nine years on the Free Trade Flat, with a frontage of his house to Caledonia street. He found by a re-survey of the land he was left without a frontage to any street, which he considered a hard case, and requested the council to give it due consideration as he was a poor man and had lived on the flat 11 years.—Referred to the works committee.[3]



1. Alvena Samulewsky (married Charles Beaumont)

2. Albertina Samulewsky (married Andrew Murdoch)


DEATH. SAMULEWSKY.— On the 27th November, at the Ballarat District Hospital, Andrew Samulewsky, aged sixty-six years, late of Queen street, Ballarat.[4]

See also

Benden Sherritt Hassell Compensation Case

Further Reading

Wickham, Dorothy, Shot in the Dark: Being the Petition for the Compensation Case of Benden S. Hassell, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1998.


  1. South Australian, 08 December 1848.
  2. Wickham, Dorothy, Shot in the Dark: Being the Petition for the Compensation Case of Benden S. Hassell, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1998.
  3. Ballarat Star, 08 April 1868.
  4. Ballarat Courier, 30 November 1874.

External links

File:File name.jpg
Caption, Reference.