Eureka 30, 1884

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The fifth paper of the series on The Eureka Stockade appeared in the Ballarat Star newspaper on 21 June 1884.[1]

The Ballarat Courier also published updates on the building of the Eureka Stockade Monument. Transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe. [2]

The Eureka Monument

By 31 May 1884 almost 200 pounds had been collected for a monument to be raised on the site of the Eureka Stockade. Four 64 pounder cannons were presented by Sir Frederick Sargood, the Minister for Defence.

Alexander Morrison, the first secretary of the movement for a monument at Eureka. Ballarat Heritage Services Picture Collection
To Mayor Councillors Town of Creswick Gentlemen
A meeting of Citizens was held at the Royal Hotel, Ballarat, on Wednesday, April 16th, for the purpose of taking steps to secure the erection of a suitable MEMORIAL to make the site of the conflict that took place on Sunday Morning, December 3rd, 1854, between the Diggers of Ballarat, and the Government Forces. The Committee confidently appeal not only to the Pioneer Diggers of Ballarat, but to the native youth of Victoria to assist them to carry out this long deferred, but much desired work. The blood spill at the Eureka Stockade served to stimulate and advance the cause of civil and political liberty throughout Australia, and to that sacrifice the free and enlightened constitution now enjoyed is, to a great measure, virtually due. To indelible perpetuate the memory of this fact in a proper manner, so that future generations may not forget what they owe to the past, is the object that the Committee have in view; they solicit your cordial sympathy and support, and trust that the thirtieth anniversary of the Stockade in December next, will witness the unveiling of a Memorial that will not only be a credit to Ballarat, but a fitting tribute to the heroic self-abnegation and valour of those who fell at its base.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,
Hon. Secretary.














EXTRACT FROM THE “BALLARAT COURIER:” APRIL 18. “ A feeling of real pleasure has been aroused among the pioneers of the goldfields by Wednesday evening’s meeting; and this is no wonder for it calls to mind an event which had everything to do with the formation of the free institutions which we now life under, and with a great deal of other progress which we all now witness. It was a rebellion against stupidity, stubbornness, and tyranny in high places, but it was no rebellion against the Queen and the British connection; so that no matter how loyal a person’s feelings may be, he can conscientiously support Wednesday evening’s project. Everybody can give their money, much or little, to enable the Eureka Stockade to be commemorated by a monument on the spot, because while everybody in the colony has benefited by that struggle, nobody’s loyal scruples are assailed by such a step being taken. Young, middle-aged, and old may all well put their shoulders to the wheel in such a case, give what they can afford in the shape of money, because the event to be memorialised is one which in some way or other has conduced to everybody’s advantage. Wednesday’s meeting has put the monument idea into such an excellent shape that it cannot fail to be a success; and it will be a red-letter day in the calendar of the whole colony when the structure has been completed.”

Ballarat Courier October to November

Ballarat Courier 21st October 1884 Page 4

THE EUREKA MONUMENT. TO THE EDITOR OF THE COURIER. SIR,—Now that the time Is fast approaching for the unveiling of the Eureka monument, I would like to make a suggestion to all those concerned in this movement, more so to the committee of management of the monument funds, viz., the committee should try if possible to make, that day a grand gala one, and one that should not be easily forgotten by the young old identities hereafter. My suggestion is this, Sir—That all the aborigines that may be in the colony of Victoria should be invited to Ballarat to take part in the procession, as that would be a great attraction and a novelty within itself, and let the rising generation see them have one grand corroboree. The chance will never occur again, seeing that our sable brethren, like the old identities, are fast dying out. The existing Government would, I believe, grant them free passes for the occasion if application was made for that purpose. Moreover, the guns should be fired off at intervals to denote the time the monolith was unveiled. I think the idea is not out of place.—Yours, W. .B. PERRY. Grant street.[3]

Ballarat Courier 27th October 1884 Page 4.

EUREKA STOCKADE TO THE EDITOR OF THE COURIER SIR,- I think the suggestion pointed out by Mr Perry a very good one, respecting the aboriginals being brought to Ballarat to take part in the procession to the site of the Eureka monument, seeing they are so closely connected with the old pioneers in the history of this colony, and are becoming now very the last type of the human race, i.e., “The darkie and the digger.” It would be a great treat for the young of this town to witness a grand corroboree – a sight they have not yet beheld, nor are they likely again to do so. Yours, &c., OLD IDENTITY[4]

Ballarat Courier 29th October 1884 Page 2.

The stonework of the Eureka Stockade Memorial is now nearly completed, and the four cannon will be placed in position in the course of a few days.[5]

Ballarat Courier 3rd November 1884 Page 4


SIR, - In a few more days the stonework of the memorial will be placed in position, and, so far as the funds at the disposal of the committee admit, the work will be considered finished, and awaiting the opening ceremony on Wednesday, 3rd proximo. It is to be regretted that may old Ballarat identities, who are acquainted with all the circumstances relating to the Stockade, have not thought fit to assist the present attempt to make the site, whilst others, who have been very liberal in their promises of support, have failed to the redeem the same with current coin. It was the earnest wish of the committee to have the memorial crowned, with a massive monolith, but their means were inadequate, and they had almost become resigned to the hard necessity of the case, when Mr Martin Loughlin came forward, and generously gave a cheque for £50, a gift for which every member of committee, and myself individually, tender our hearty and grateful thanks. It is possible that some other citizen may desire, in a lesser degree, to emulate Mr Loughlin’s generosity; if so, let the gift be prompt, so that the work may not suffer by delay. – Yours, &c., A.T. MORRISON, Hon Treasurer. 31st October[6]

Ballarat Courier 4th November 1884 Page 4


SIR – I am very proud to see that our worthy fellow citizen, Mr Martin Loughlin, has been so liberal in subscribing £50 towards the erection of the Eureka monument. It only wants a few more of his stamp to come forward to make the object a success. I was surprised to see by Mr Morrison’s letter in to-day’s issue that so many had promised and not performed, for this grand object. What, Sir, is a man but his word; his honor depends upon it. I say again, that the 3rd of next month should be a red-letter day, in Ballarat, at least; as freedom was fought for, and obtained, by some of the Old Identities who are in Ballarat at the present time. After a lapse of thirty years, I say “more power to them”. The same blood courses through their veins now as then, and the 3rd December, 1854, will never be forgotten, by them, at least – no, Sir – not as long as they are above ground. And being a historical event also, it should be an eventful day, not easily to be forgotten by the rising generation at least. – Yours, &c., W. B. PERRY Grant Street[7]

Ballarat Courier 25th November 1884 Page 4


SIR, - Can anybody inform me what the Stockade committee are doing? Are they going to have a grand demonstration on the 3rd of December, or not? I have heard nothing about the doings of the committee since the memorial was commenced. They appear to be very inactive. The guns are still at the Eastern station; to all appearance likely to be there for the next twelve months. – Yours, &c., STOCKADE[8]

Ballarat Courier 26th November 1884 Page 4


SIR,- I am very sorry to hear that the funds are still inadequate for the completion of the Eureka monument. I think still, Sir, if the committee were to fall in with my views respecting the aborigines being brought to Ballarat, it would have a tendency to augment their funds materially. They could be al brought to Ballarat in twenty-four hours from any part of Victoria through the police and railway departments, the Government permitting, of course. They should be here to take part in the procession along with the old identities to the monument, seeing that they are so closely allied with them. The chance will never occur again in the history of this colony. They shoul dbe taken to the Eastern Oval in the evening, and let them have one grand corroboree for the edification of the rising generation. Further, Sir, if the fire brigades would lend their torches for the occasion it would have a better effect within the circle of the lights. Let a small fee be charged for admittance. I think then it would be a success. – Yours, &c., W. B. PERRY. Grant street.[9]

Ballarat Courier 29th November 1884 Page 2

The committee of the Eureka Stockade memorial met last evening; Mr Ferguson in the chair. Accounts amounting to £51 8s were passed for payment, and the tender of Rowsell and Son, for additional stone-work, was accepted. In consequence of unavoidable causes it was found impossible to get the work completed by the 3rd proximo, the anniversary of the Stockade. It was decided that at three o’clock on the afternoon of that day the committee should pay a formal visit of inspection. The presence of any of the old identities will be welcome.[10]

Like the 1884 celebrations, the 50th Anniversary was also marred by bad weather. Ballarat Heritage Services Picture Collection
==4 December 1884==

Ballarat Courier 4th December 1884 Page 2

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade, and a visit of inspection was paid to the memorial which is erected on the spot where the fight occurred. Besides several of the Stockaders, there were present Mayors Morrison and Walker, Councillor Roff, Messrs Bechervaise, C. Dyte, W. Irwin, H. Joseph, and others. The base of the monument is about 40 feet in diameter, and is most substantially built of Bluestone. A monolith of Stawell freestone, the gift of Mr Martin Loughlin, is yet to be placed on the top of the monument, which will then present an imposing appearance. The contractors, Messrs Rousell and Sons, have faithfully carried out the work which has been ably superintended by Mr H. A. King, who has acted as engineer throughout. The reserve upon which the monument stands will, in the course of a few months, be fenced in by the Town Council, and planted with trees. Just as the visitors had arrived at the monument a terrific hailstorm came on. Several umbrellas collapsed, but the two mayors and the others bravely faced the storm of icy bullets. Those who were wounded were attended to by Mr W. Irwin, who had thoughtfully provided a medicine chest. After the storm, Mr C. Dyte mounted the monument and explained that the visit was only one of inspection, unattended by any ceremony, because it had been found impossible to have the monument completed by that day. But when it was completed there would be a form of celebration. The cannon, Mr Dyte announced, would be mounted in a few days, under the superintendence of Major Snee. He (Mr Charles Dyte) thought great credit was due to Mayor Morrison, the secretary of the Memorial Committee, for the energy he had displayed in the matter of the memorial. Cheers were then given for Mayors Walker and Morrison, and also for Mr H. A. King, the honorary engineer. All present then uncovered their heads in respect to the memory of the miners who fought and died in the cause of liberty that day thirty years ago on the spot on which they stood. Mr Dyte remarked that some people said they were celebrating a rebellion, and to show they were loyal he called for three cheers for the Queen, which were duly given. A move was then made into town,

Also See


Alexander Morrison


  1. Ballarat Star, Saturday 21 June 1884
  2. Ballarat Courier, 21 October 1884. Page 4; Ballarat Courier, 27 October 1884. Page 4; Ballarat Courier, 29 October 1884. Page 2; Ballarat Courier, 3 November 1884. Page 4; Ballarat Courier, 4 November 1884. Page 4.
  3. Ballarat Courier 21 Oct 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  4. Ballarat Courier 27 Oct 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  5. Ballarat Courier 29 Oct 1884, p. 2, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  6. Ballarat Courier 3 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  7. Ballarat Courier 4 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  8. Ballarat Courier 25 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  9. Ballarat Courier 26 Nov 1884, p. 4, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe
  10. Ballarat Courier 29 Nov 1884, p. 2, transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe

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