Mark Folk

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Walter E. Pidgeon, Illustration from The Eureka Stockade by Raffaello Carboni, Sunnybrook Press, 1942, offset print.
Art Gallery of Ballarat, purchased 1994.


Goldfields Involvement, 1854

Post 1854 Experiences

Mark Folk was a creditor as the result of the burning of James Bentley's Eureka Hotel, and listed as a claimant by by the Select Committee reporting Upon Ballaarat [i.e. Ballarat] riots - Bentley's Hotel.[1]

See also

Eureka Hotel

Further Reading

Corfield, J., Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.


  1. Select Committee Upon Ballaarat [i.e. Ballarat] riots - Bentley's Hotel, accessed 09 February 2106.

External links