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Henry Goddard, a tailor, was the father of George Goddard who was born in Suffolk, [[England]]. George Goddard arrived in Ballarat in 1851. He married Sarah Phillips on 20 December 1854 at St Mary's Geelong. He died in January 1912 aged 82 and was buried at [[Ballaarat Old Cemetery]].  
Henry Goddard, a tailor, was the father of George Goddard who was born in Suffolk, [[England]]. George Goddard arrived in Ballarat in 1851 after sailing to Australia on the [[Athenian]]. He married Sarah Phillips on 20 December 1854 at St Mary's Geelong. He died in January 1912 aged 82 and was buried at [[Ballaarat Old Cemetery]].  
==Goldfields Involvement, 1854==
==Goldfields Involvement, 1854==
[[File:GILL ST - Ballaarat Flat from the Black Hill - 2004.111-wiki.jpg|1000px|thumb|right|Samuel Thomas Gill, ''Ballaarat Flat, from the Black Hill - 1855,'' lithograph on paper.<br>Art Gallery of Ballarat, Ronald Wrigley Estate, 1979.]]
[[File:GILL ST - Ballaarat Flat from the Black Hill - 2004.111-wiki.jpg|1000px|thumb|right|Samuel Thomas Gill, ''Ballaarat Flat, from the Black Hill - 1855,'' lithograph on paper.<br>Art Gallery of Ballarat, Ronald Wrigley Estate, 1979.]]
George Goddard lived on [[Bakery Hill]], close to 'the old trysting place of the diggers during the license agitation.<ref>W.B. Withers, ''History of Ballarat and Some Reminiscences'', Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.</ref>
Goddard was a wounded bystander during the [[Eureka Stockade]] battle.<ref>Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., ''Eureka Research Directory'', Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.</ref> After the Eureka Battle George Goddard was arrested and chained to [[Timothy Hayes]].<ref>Ballarat Courier, 02 December 1904</ref> He was charged with riot of 30 November 1854 on 17 January 1855. At the time of his arrest he was living in a tent. He was tried, along with [[John Chapman]], [[Benjamin Ewinds]], [[Duncan McIntyre]], [[William Bryant]] and [[Donald Campbell]]. All pleaded not guilty to the charge of sedition and riot. Goddard was defended by Mr Cope and Mr Prendergast. <ref>Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., ''Eureka Research Directory'', Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.</ref>
Goddard was a wounded bystander during the [[Eureka Stockade]] battle.<ref>Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., ''Eureka Research Directory'', Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.</ref> After the Eureka Battle George Goddard was arrested and chained to [[Timothy Hayes]].<ref>Ballarat Courier, 02 December 1904</ref> He was charged with riot of 30 November 1854 on 17 January 1855. At the time of his arrest he was living in a tent. He was tried, along with [[John Chapman]], [[Benjamin Ewinds]], [[Duncan McIntyre]], [[William Bryant]] and [[Donald Campbell]]. All pleaded not guilty to the charge of sedition and riot. Goddard was defended by Mr Cope and Mr Prendergast. <ref>Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., ''Eureka Research Directory'', Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.</ref>
:George Goddard stands charged before the undersigned one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the Colony of Victoria, this 30th day of November 1854 at Ballarat in the said Colony did with others tumultuously and riotously assemble and did then and there cause a break of the peace and the said charge being read to George Goddard and the Witness for Prosecution Samuel Purnell and William Nolan being severally examined in my presence, the said George Goddard is now addressed by me as flows. – Having heard the evidence do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge, you are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken in writing, and may be given in evidence against you upon your trial, whereupon the said [blank] saith as follows: My wife is taken bad this morning. I went and got my horse at Hirt’s Black Hill. I came to Mrs Derby. She was not at home. I went to another place. I went to one of my friends a ember of the Catholic Chapel. She was not there. I was coming home when I was taken.  
:George Goddard stands charged before the undersigned one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the Colony of Victoria, this 30th day of November 1854 at Ballarat in the said Colony did with others tumultuously and riotously assemble and did then and there cause a break of the peace and the said charge being read to George Goddard and the Witness for Prosecution Samuel Purnell and William Nolan being severally examined in my presence, the said George Goddard is now addressed by me as flows. – Having heard the evidence do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge, you are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken in writing, and may be given in evidence against you upon your trial, whereupon the said [blank] saith as follows: My wife is taken bad this morning. I went and got my horse at Hirt’s Black Hill. I came to Mrs Derby. She was not at home. I went to another place. I went to one of my friends a ember of the Catholic Chapel. She was not there. I was coming home when I was taken.  
George Goddard (his mark)<ref.Statement of accused, the result of which he was committed for trial at the Supreme Court of Criminal Sessions, Melbourne 15 December 1854.</ref>
George Goddard (his mark)<ref>Statement of accused, the result of which he was committed for trial at the Supreme Court of Criminal Sessions, Melbourne 15 December 1854.</ref>
[[File:St-Alipius.jpeg|805px|thumb|right|''Katholisch Kapelle aus den Gravel Pit Lunis 3u Ballarat Januav 1854 by William Strutt.  State Library of Victoria Collection (H12532)]]
:Friday, January 19th, 1855. ...
:[[George Goddard]], [[John Chapman]], [[Benjamin Ewing]], [[Duncan McIntyre]], [[William Bryant]], and [[Donald Campbell]] were arraigned and pleaded not guilty to a charge of sedition and riot. Bryant was defended by Mr. Michie ; Goddard, Ewings, M'Intyre, and Campbell were defended by Mr Cope and Mr Prendergast ; the prisoner Chapman was undefended.
:The information embraces four counts — the first charges the defendants with conspiring with other persons to the amount of fifty altogether, and unlawfully, maliciously, and seditiously meeting and assembling themselves together for the purpose of exciting discontent and disaffection in the minds of the leige subjects of the Queen, and for the purpose of moving them to hatred and contempt of the Government and Constitution of the colony. Second — Riot and assault on [[Wm. Nolan]], sergeant of police. Third count, charges them with being an unlawful assembly. Fourth count is one for a common assault on Nolan.
:The Solicitor General opened the case to the jury, remarking that this was an information laid against the traversers for certain transactions that occurred at Ballaarat on the 30th of November last. To make this intelligible to the jury, it would be necessary to refer to certain events that occurred the day before. A meeting was convened to be held at [[Bakery Hill]], at Ballaarat ; a placard was extensively circulated, headed "Down with the license fee" "Down with despotism." "Who so base to be a slave." And a request at the bottom that diggers would bring their licenses, as they might be wanted. At this meeting very strong language was used, a flag was displayed, and a large number of gold licences were burnt, as if to show that those who possessed them and burnt them were determined to be on the same footing as those who had none. The meeting on the 30th was a continuation of the one held on the 29th. On the 30th, the Government officers went to collect licenses from the diggers; those who had no licenses were arrested, but rescued by the crowd; and the character of the meeting was that with a display of force to intimidate those who had to collect the licenses, to meet this, the first count in the information was laid. The learned Solicitor-Solicitor thought a court of justice was not the place to discuss a question of politics, as to whether gold diggers should or should not be made to pay a tax for the use of the lands where they discovered their treasures , this would be most un-becoming, either in himself or the jury ; it was not a jury's province, neither did he believe they were competent without much time and inquiry to deal with the question. Skilful politicians had made these laws, and they must be obeyed until they were constitutionally altered. A jury could not, ought not, to weigh the righteous nature of these laws — among many conflicting circumstances; a law, if considered impolitic, must be changed by lawful means, not by brute force, under a pretence of liberty: the majority compelling the minority by constraint to act with them, — this was not liberty, but licentiousness. They, as jurymen, were bound upon their solemn oaths to decide as to the facts adduced in evidence — not the expediency or the in-expediency of the measure ; neither was it their province to say if the gold commissioners had acted right or not in collecting the licences on the day in question. It was, however, for them to saw what was law upon the subject — but this they would take from the learned Judge, and then they would say if the prisoners transgressed that law or not; that was the jury's simple duty. During the riot on the 30th there were shouts and loud cries uttered, and large stones, bottles, and other missiles thrown, and shots fired. The riot act was read, and the troops were called out. The defendants were now proceeded against only as rioters, although if people remained in assembly after the riot act had been read they laid themselves open to a far severer form of indictment. The learned counsel then defined the law upon the subject, as quoted by Mr. Baron Alderson in his charge to the grand jury delivered at the Monmouth Assizes in the Summer of 1839, in the case of Regina v Vincent, reported in the 9th volume of Carrington and Payne's reports, page 93, and said among the police injured was sergeant William Nolan; he was endeavoring to take a prisoner into custody, was knocked down, much beaten and illtreated, and certain of the prisoners partook in this outrage. The learned counsel then addressed himself to the bearing of the various counts in the information, and called as the first witness —...<ref>The Argus, 20 January 1855.</ref>
==Post 1854 Experiences==
==Post 1854 Experiences==
::Mr George Goddard, of East street, Ballarat East, who arrived in Ballarat in 1851, is about to make a tour through Europe. The old pioneer, who is one of the founders of the Ballarat Fire Brigade, has not been enjoying good health for some time, and it is on the recommendation of his medical adviser that he leaves Ballarat for a holiday. In the early days Mr Goddard was possessed of considerable wealth, and was a “furnisher of numerous claims in the district. The great Magpie flood, however, proved disastrous to his interests, for he lost a large amount of money through the swamping of the claims in which he was concerned. He figured prominently in the Eureka riots. In subsquent years he was to the front in all movements calculated to advance the interests of Ballarat and its residents. Of late years Goddard has been engaged in commercial pursuits. Last night he was entertained by a number of friends at a farewell social at the residence of his son, Mr [[Henry Goddard]], sharebroker, Raglan Street. Mr Goddard leaves the colony by the Orient steamer [[Lusitania]], which sails on Friday.<ref>Transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe from ''Ballarat Star'', Thursday 26 May 1887, page 2</ref>
::Mr George Goddard, of East street, Ballarat East, who left in May last last for Europe, returned to the colony by the steamer Orient, which arrived to Melbourne on Tuesday last. Altogether he spent about four months in the home country, visiting during his stay England, Ireland, and Scotland. The trip has improved Mr Goddard’s health, but after all he prefers the climate of Ballarat to that of England, Scotland, or Ireland. The run out of the Orient occupied 34 days, from London to Melbourne, quite a contrast with the length of the voyage, 156 days, of the ship [[Athenian]], which first brought Mr Goddard, who is a member of the Ballarat Fire Brigade, to these shores in 1851. Mr Goddard met Mr H. Glenny, J.P., at Port Said, and the latter desired to be remembered to all Ballarat friends.<ref>Ballarat Star ,12 December 1887.</ref>
== Obituary ==
== Obituary ==
:The links of the past and present of Ballarat are gradually dropping out, and another, in the person of Mr George Goddard, passed away last night at the residence of his daughter, East Street. Mr Goddard had been in bad health for some time, and he had been unable to get about very much. Latterly, however, he had been confined to his room and unable to take nourishment, and his death was by no means unexpected. Deceased was 81 years of age, and a native of Suffolk, [[England]]. He was a colonist of over 60 years, and, like most of the early colonists, he tried his luck on the diggings with various success. He was associated with the diggers in the Eureka Riot, and ever since he was a familiar figure about Ballarat East. He was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, members of the Ballarat Fire Brigade Club. He joined the brigade under the volunteer system in 1861, and at all public demonstrations of the fireman or club members of recent years”Dad” Goddard, as he was familiarly called, was prominent in his scarlet uniform. He leaves five sons – Messrs Harry, George, Albert, Jack and Walter – And five daughters. <ref>Ballarat Courier 16 January 1912.</ref>
:The links of the past and present of Ballarat are gradually dropping out, and another, in the person of Mr George Goddard, passed away last night at the residence of his daughter, East Street. Mr Goddard had been in bad health for some time, and he had been unable to get about very much. Latterly, however, he had been confined to his room and unable to take nourishment, and his death was by no means unexpected. Deceased was 81 years of age, and a native of Suffolk, [[England]]. He was a colonist of over 60 years, and, like most of the early colonists, he tried his luck on the diggings with various success. He was associated with the diggers in the Eureka Riot, and ever since he was a familiar figure about [[Ballarat East]]. He was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, members of the Ballarat Fire Brigade Club. He joined the brigade under the volunteer system in 1861, and at all public demonstrations of the fireman or club members of recent years”Dad” Goddard, as he was familiarly called, was prominent in his scarlet uniform. He leaves five sons – Messrs Harry, George, Albert, Jack and Walter – And five daughters. <ref>Ballarat Courier 16 January 1912.</ref>
==See also==
==See also==

Latest revision as of 18:59, 18 May 2024


Henry Goddard, a tailor, was the father of George Goddard who was born in Suffolk, England. George Goddard arrived in Ballarat in 1851 after sailing to Australia on the Athenian. He married Sarah Phillips on 20 December 1854 at St Mary's Geelong. He died in January 1912 aged 82 and was buried at Ballaarat Old Cemetery.

Goldfields Involvement, 1854

Samuel Thomas Gill, Ballaarat Flat, from the Black Hill - 1855, lithograph on paper.
Art Gallery of Ballarat, Ronald Wrigley Estate, 1979.

George Goddard lived on Bakery Hill, close to 'the old trysting place of the diggers during the license agitation.[1]

Goddard was a wounded bystander during the Eureka Stockade battle.[2] After the Eureka Battle George Goddard was arrested and chained to Timothy Hayes.[3] He was charged with riot of 30 November 1854 on 17 January 1855. At the time of his arrest he was living in a tent. He was tried, along with John Chapman, Benjamin Ewinds, Duncan McIntyre, William Bryant and Donald Campbell. All pleaded not guilty to the charge of sedition and riot. Goddard was defended by Mr Cope and Mr Prendergast. [4]

George Goddard stands charged before the undersigned one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the Colony of Victoria, this 30th day of November 1854 at Ballarat in the said Colony did with others tumultuously and riotously assemble and did then and there cause a break of the peace and the said charge being read to George Goddard and the Witness for Prosecution Samuel Purnell and William Nolan being severally examined in my presence, the said George Goddard is now addressed by me as flows. – Having heard the evidence do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge, you are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken in writing, and may be given in evidence against you upon your trial, whereupon the said [blank] saith as follows: My wife is taken bad this morning. I went and got my horse at Hirt’s Black Hill. I came to Mrs Derby. She was not at home. I went to another place. I went to one of my friends a ember of the Catholic Chapel. She was not there. I was coming home when I was taken.

George Goddard (his mark)[5]

Katholisch Kapelle aus den Gravel Pit Lunis 3u Ballarat Januav 1854 by William Strutt. State Library of Victoria Collection (H12532)
Friday, January 19th, 1855. ...
George Goddard, John Chapman, Benjamin Ewing, Duncan McIntyre, William Bryant, and Donald Campbell were arraigned and pleaded not guilty to a charge of sedition and riot. Bryant was defended by Mr. Michie ; Goddard, Ewings, M'Intyre, and Campbell were defended by Mr Cope and Mr Prendergast ; the prisoner Chapman was undefended.
The information embraces four counts — the first charges the defendants with conspiring with other persons to the amount of fifty altogether, and unlawfully, maliciously, and seditiously meeting and assembling themselves together for the purpose of exciting discontent and disaffection in the minds of the leige subjects of the Queen, and for the purpose of moving them to hatred and contempt of the Government and Constitution of the colony. Second — Riot and assault on Wm. Nolan, sergeant of police. Third count, charges them with being an unlawful assembly. Fourth count is one for a common assault on Nolan.
The Solicitor General opened the case to the jury, remarking that this was an information laid against the traversers for certain transactions that occurred at Ballaarat on the 30th of November last. To make this intelligible to the jury, it would be necessary to refer to certain events that occurred the day before. A meeting was convened to be held at Bakery Hill, at Ballaarat ; a placard was extensively circulated, headed "Down with the license fee" "Down with despotism." "Who so base to be a slave." And a request at the bottom that diggers would bring their licenses, as they might be wanted. At this meeting very strong language was used, a flag was displayed, and a large number of gold licences were burnt, as if to show that those who possessed them and burnt them were determined to be on the same footing as those who had none. The meeting on the 30th was a continuation of the one held on the 29th. On the 30th, the Government officers went to collect licenses from the diggers; those who had no licenses were arrested, but rescued by the crowd; and the character of the meeting was that with a display of force to intimidate those who had to collect the licenses, to meet this, the first count in the information was laid. The learned Solicitor-Solicitor thought a court of justice was not the place to discuss a question of politics, as to whether gold diggers should or should not be made to pay a tax for the use of the lands where they discovered their treasures , this would be most un-becoming, either in himself or the jury ; it was not a jury's province, neither did he believe they were competent without much time and inquiry to deal with the question. Skilful politicians had made these laws, and they must be obeyed until they were constitutionally altered. A jury could not, ought not, to weigh the righteous nature of these laws — among many conflicting circumstances; a law, if considered impolitic, must be changed by lawful means, not by brute force, under a pretence of liberty: the majority compelling the minority by constraint to act with them, — this was not liberty, but licentiousness. They, as jurymen, were bound upon their solemn oaths to decide as to the facts adduced in evidence — not the expediency or the in-expediency of the measure ; neither was it their province to say if the gold commissioners had acted right or not in collecting the licences on the day in question. It was, however, for them to saw what was law upon the subject — but this they would take from the learned Judge, and then they would say if the prisoners transgressed that law or not; that was the jury's simple duty. During the riot on the 30th there were shouts and loud cries uttered, and large stones, bottles, and other missiles thrown, and shots fired. The riot act was read, and the troops were called out. The defendants were now proceeded against only as rioters, although if people remained in assembly after the riot act had been read they laid themselves open to a far severer form of indictment. The learned counsel then defined the law upon the subject, as quoted by Mr. Baron Alderson in his charge to the grand jury delivered at the Monmouth Assizes in the Summer of 1839, in the case of Regina v Vincent, reported in the 9th volume of Carrington and Payne's reports, page 93, and said among the police injured was sergeant William Nolan; he was endeavoring to take a prisoner into custody, was knocked down, much beaten and illtreated, and certain of the prisoners partook in this outrage. The learned counsel then addressed himself to the bearing of the various counts in the information, and called as the first witness —...[6]

Post 1854 Experiences

Mr George Goddard, of East street, Ballarat East, who arrived in Ballarat in 1851, is about to make a tour through Europe. The old pioneer, who is one of the founders of the Ballarat Fire Brigade, has not been enjoying good health for some time, and it is on the recommendation of his medical adviser that he leaves Ballarat for a holiday. In the early days Mr Goddard was possessed of considerable wealth, and was a “furnisher of numerous claims in the district. The great Magpie flood, however, proved disastrous to his interests, for he lost a large amount of money through the swamping of the claims in which he was concerned. He figured prominently in the Eureka riots. In subsquent years he was to the front in all movements calculated to advance the interests of Ballarat and its residents. Of late years Goddard has been engaged in commercial pursuits. Last night he was entertained by a number of friends at a farewell social at the residence of his son, Mr Henry Goddard, sharebroker, Raglan Street. Mr Goddard leaves the colony by the Orient steamer Lusitania, which sails on Friday.[7]

Mr George Goddard, of East street, Ballarat East, who left in May last last for Europe, returned to the colony by the steamer Orient, which arrived to Melbourne on Tuesday last. Altogether he spent about four months in the home country, visiting during his stay England, Ireland, and Scotland. The trip has improved Mr Goddard’s health, but after all he prefers the climate of Ballarat to that of England, Scotland, or Ireland. The run out of the Orient occupied 34 days, from London to Melbourne, quite a contrast with the length of the voyage, 156 days, of the ship Athenian, which first brought Mr Goddard, who is a member of the Ballarat Fire Brigade, to these shores in 1851. Mr Goddard met Mr H. Glenny, J.P., at Port Said, and the latter desired to be remembered to all Ballarat friends.[8]


The links of the past and present of Ballarat are gradually dropping out, and another, in the person of Mr George Goddard, passed away last night at the residence of his daughter, East Street. Mr Goddard had been in bad health for some time, and he had been unable to get about very much. Latterly, however, he had been confined to his room and unable to take nourishment, and his death was by no means unexpected. Deceased was 81 years of age, and a native of Suffolk, England. He was a colonist of over 60 years, and, like most of the early colonists, he tried his luck on the diggings with various success. He was associated with the diggers in the Eureka Riot, and ever since he was a familiar figure about Ballarat East. He was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, members of the Ballarat Fire Brigade Club. He joined the brigade under the volunteer system in 1861, and at all public demonstrations of the fireman or club members of recent years”Dad” Goddard, as he was familiarly called, was prominent in his scarlet uniform. He leaves five sons – Messrs Harry, George, Albert, Jack and Walter – And five daughters. [9]

See also

Sarah Goddard


Further Reading

Corfield, J.,Wickham, D., & Gervasoni, C. The Eureka Encyclopaedia, Ballarat Heritage Services, 2004.


  1. W.B. Withers, History of Ballarat and Some Reminiscences, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.
  2. Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., Eureka Research Directory, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.
  3. Ballarat Courier, 02 December 1904
  4. Wickham, D., Gervasoni, C. & Phillipson, W., Eureka Research Directory, Ballarat Heritage Services, 1999.
  5. Statement of accused, the result of which he was committed for trial at the Supreme Court of Criminal Sessions, Melbourne 15 December 1854.
  6. The Argus, 20 January 1855.
  7. Transcribed by Chrissy Stancliffe from Ballarat Star, Thursday 26 May 1887, page 2
  8. Ballarat Star ,12 December 1887.
  9. Ballarat Courier 16 January 1912.

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